California Civil Code 4920 Agenda -
4920. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), the association shall give notice of the time and place of a board meeting at least four days before the meeting. (b) (1) If a board meeting is an emergency meeting held pursuant to Section 4923, the association is not required to give notice of the time and place of the meeting. (2) If a nonemergency board meeting is held solely in executive session, the association shall give notice of the time and place of the meeting at least two days prior to the meeting. (3) If the association's governing documents require a longer period of notice than is required by this section, the association shall comply with the period stated in its governing documents. For the purposes of this paragraph, a governing document provision does not apply to a notice of an emergency meeting or a meeting held solely in executive session unless it specifically states that it applies to those types of meetings. (c) Notice of a board meeting shall be given by general delivery pursuant to Section 4045. (d) Notice of a board meeting shall contain the agenda for the meeting.
sample form
Agenda for September 12, 2016
________ Board Meeting
Call meeting to Order at 7:00 PM
Roll Call of who is in attendance by Secretary:
Open Meeting Portion for Homeowners (3 minutes per homeowner):
Secretaries Report:
- Amend and Approve June minutes.
Treasurers Report:
- Property Manager's report on financials.
Private Homeowner Session begins: Nothing scheduled
Executive Session (Board Members & Property Management):
Violations: Review and decide what to do with outstanding security reports
HOA Legal:
- Status on Condo Properties efforts in Small Claims Court?
- Status on any unit that is in bankruptcy
- Status of units that are delinquent. What is our course of action?
- Confirm that we are going to have Sandra Gottlieb attend our election.
Old Business:
- Which units have or have not paid security deposits and what to do about it.
Maintenance report: Gate phone security box is needed
Special Projects: All special projects are on hold until a new Board is seated.
New Business:
- Motion to move board meetings to Security Specialists as soon as possible.
- Another issue for a new Board will be soliciting for pest control service.
- Review our contract with property management.
- Plan for transition to new Board in October.
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